
Why Choose K5?

Here at K5, We place paramount importance on ensuring an exceptional
experience at every turn.

Our mission?

To earn the distinction of being the most beloved telecoms company in the UK.

Our customers say it all for us in our glowing reviews that you can check out on Google…

seamless install icon

Seamless Install

One of our friendly engineers
visits your site to personally
install your new system with all
your requested settings.

This process is seamless and
hassle-free. Ensuring no
downtime for your business


telecommunications user training

Full Training

We provide full training on all
our systems.

Our team are committed to
ensuring you and your team feel
confident and adept in utilizing
all functions of your system
through comprehensive
training sessions.
telecommunications support

Customer Support

Our dedicated Customer Service
team are always happy to assist
you and help you get the most
from your system.

We strive to provide excellent
customer service to every
telecommunications support

Customer Support

Our dedicated Customer Service team are always happy to assist you and help you get the most from your system.

We strive to provide excellent customer service to every customer.

seamless install icon

Seamless Install

One of our friendly engineers visits your site to personally install your new system with all your requested settings. This process is seamless and hassle-free. Ensuring no downtime for your business
telecommunications user training

Full Training

We provide full training on all
our systems.

Our team are committed to ensuring you and your team feel confident and adept in utilizing all functions of your system
through comprehensive training sessions.

Our Services

We specialise in Business Phone Systems and Internet
connectivity. With our friendly service, range of solutions
and expertise, we tailor our service to you. That means
getting to know your challenges and providing the technology
to help you overcome them.

Our Services

We specialise in Business Phone Systems
and Internet connectivity.

With our friendly service, range of solutions
and expertise, we tailor our service to you.

That means getting to know your challenges and
providing the technology to help
you overcome them.

Why Choose K5?

Here at K5, We place paramount importance on ensuring an exceptional experience at every turn. Our mission? To earn the distinction of being the most beloved telecoms company in the UK.

We have you covered through every stage of your journey:

  • plan your bespoke package
  • Install your hardware and program all your features for you.
  • Port your numbers
  • Assist with termination of your old contract.
  • Train you on your new systems.
  • Monitor your connection to ensure there is no down-time.


With all of this covered and our helpful Customer Service team to assist you whenever needed, you can sit back, relax and enjoy all the benefits that come from your new telecommunications system.


Our customers say it all for us in our glowing reviews that you can check out on Google…

Want To Find Out More?

The best way to learn how we can help your business and create a bespoke package just for you is to contact us directly.

Our team would be more than happy to walk you through all we have to offer and how we can improve your systems. 

Fill out this quick form and one of our New Business Executives will give you a quick call shortly to find out how we can help you. 

Our Latest Blogs:

Features Explained Auto Attendant

Features Explained: The Auto Attendant

Your Auto Attendant (AA) or Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is the first greeting a customer receives when calling your company. This is the famed “press 1, press 2, etc.” menu you may hear often in your day-to-day life.

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Our Latest Blogs:

Features Explained Auto Attendant

Features Explained: The Auto Attendant

Your Auto Attendant (AA) or Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is the first greeting a customer receives when calling your company. This is the famed “press 1, press 2, etc.” menu you may hear often in your day-to-day life.

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Want To Find Out More?

The best way to learn how we can help your business and create a bespoke package just for you is to contact us directly.

Our team would be more than happy to walk you through all we have to offer and how we can improve your systems. 

Fill out this quick form and one of our New Business Executives will give you a quick call shortly to find out how we can help you.